Tuesday, June 27, 2023

CAT WRECKS THE TWIN TOWER (New York Government isn't happy) by SC

Once upon a time there was a cat living in John’s house in the streets of New York city, Honeybrook Avenue. As John was at work, the cat was all alone sleeping. “NWAAAAA” says the cat. “MEOW!!!!” The cat was hungry. He got mad. He wanted food. He wanted it. He grew taller by the minute. His head tore through the roof! Cars stopping at the sight of a cat growing to about the height of 2000 feet tall!!! The news was blowing up saying things like, “CAT GREW 2000 FEET TALL!”, or, “EVERYONE EVACUATE THE CITY: HONEYBROOK HAS ITS 2000 FOOT TALL CAT!!!!”

Meanwhile at John’s work. John was drinking his tea, typing on his computer, and enjoying his life until… HE FORGOT TO FEED HIS CAT!!!!

His computer was blowing up with notifications about the big cat! Then he hears thumping, really loud thumping. “THUMP, THUMP, THUMP!” He looks out the window to see his cat at his max! People all around town are screaming and it's chaos! The cat was marching its way to the twin towers! John ran out of the building and to his car to see the car was broken.

He doesn’t have much time to think. So he runs as fast as he can to the grocery store to get cat food. He goes and runs around and around and around until he finally spots one! He goes inside to the pet food aisle and gets what he needs. There is no cashier there so he runs out without paying. In such a hurry, he calls out the cat's name multiple times telling the cat that he has food.

He spots the giant but it's too late… the cat broke the twin towers!!! Everything is in ruins and John feels as if the guiltiest person on earth for not feeding his cat. He is in tears as everything is crumbling. He gets really mad too. So mad that he screams his cat's name so loud the cat finally turns to him. He is in shock. But now, it's time to do what he always wanted to do, “SUPPER TIME!” The cat runs to him and John opens the bag of cat food. The cat bends down for the food and eats the whole thing in one bite. The cat shrinks back to normal as if he was innocent. John was the hero of the town. The next day the news is blowing up about John Cory saving Honeybrook! So kids, the morale of the story is to always feed your cats!

The end…

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