I roam around in the ocean seas’, calmly, enjoying the sun burning on my skin, watching the waves moving around my body. Other fish are swimming around playfully. I decided to join some of them. We hide in coral watching other kinds of breads swim. We are in the gulf course of mexico.
Soon, we see a fishing rod with a worm on it, and we all race toward it. Luckily, I was the last, because the other fish disappeared.
I started swimming away until I found a scuba-diver. Me and the other fish formed a group to protect each other, we watched as he/she shine something bright at us. We all scatter when we see it.
Then something floated above me. It was loud and had a spinny-thing running under it. I was curious. I saw another rod and knew not to go near it after what happened. I can't help it, I really want the worm… so I ended up racing toward it as fast as I could and felt something sharp go in my mouth. I get tugged and tugged until I see the top of the ocean. There was so much going on. There at the top of the spinny-thing, there, a creature stood holding the fishing rod. I saw him look at me. He kept tugging. I kept squirming, squirming so much that I finally dropped back into the water. I heard the creature groan really loudly.
I was so tired, I felt like I was gonna pass out. Things around me were getting blurry. I saw other fish swarm me like I was going to die. I kept on gasping for air constantly. I tried to keep my eyes open for as long as I could. Then, I lost all my stamina, and passed out.
Another fish's perspective: I watched as that one fish fell to the ground. All the other fish started to surround him. As they did, I went to look for anything that could help. As I wandered off, I found something I have never seen before.
I went to touch it, but when I did, it was hard. So I decided I would lift it. It was very heavy, but I used all my might to do so. It was very heavy, but because it was so hard to lift, I had to hold onto it tightly. So when I did that, it started making a crunching noise. I started to drag it up to the surface.
There was a weird spinny-thing. I saw something moving on it, and it was holding the exact same thing I was holding. It seemed to have water in it. They started to drink out of it. I saw him do it but I was getting too tired, so I went to the bottom of the ocean. I was thirsty, so I decided to drink out of it. But then, I started choking. Many bubbles were rising towards the surface. I fell to the ground and heard a big, “thud!”
Back to the main fish's perspective: as I finally woke up, I was very tired. All the fish were swarming me like crazy until they looked at me. They just stared. When I got up and started moving, they followed me. Then, when I turned around, they started looking into the distance and then swam as fast as they could. I turned around to see it and then, a shark came and killed me.
The End.
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