One of the biggest things to know about owning chickens is the difference between hens and roosters. Hens are the female chickens that lay all the eggs. Different breeds produce different amounts of eggs. Roosters are the males that are defensive over the hens. Roosters can be very mean. They’ve been known to fight hawks, dogs, and even humans! If you want to own a rooster you should only get one. They will fight with other roosters and getting seperate coops for them is a big hassle. If you want a rooster you should also have hens. Always keep in mind that if you get a rooster and a hen, they will have babies. This is one of the reasons why hens are more popular.
Now, let’s get into breeds. Some of the most popular chicken breeds for families are Orpington, Sussex, and Australorp. My hens are all Orpington chickens, so I can tell you quite a lot about them. They are one of the quietest chicken breeds and the only breed that doesn’t crow. Crowing is loud crying, which would be a little weird coming from a chicken. Within the Orpington breed, there are different colors with different names and price ranges. Orpingtons are also one of the best breeds for first time chicken owners. Other great breeds for new chicken owners are Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Sussex.
There is one chicken breed that is slightly more significant. Silkies. Silkies are fluffy chickens that are good with kids and are relatively quiet. They do have some cons though. They don’t lay as many eggs as other breeds and can often get broody. They lay tiny, cream-colored eggs. Silkies are more susceptible to some diseases. And they have some very weird qualities. They have black skin and bones, blue earlobes and have 5 toes on each foot. Most chickens have only have 4 toes on each foot.
Leghorn, Brahma, and Wyandotte are some of the most dangerous chicken breeds that you should stay away from. The friendliest chicken breeds are the Orpington and Plymouth Rock breeds. Rhode Island Red is the most common chicken breed. The Rhode Island Red is also the most popular backyard chicken. Silkies and Sussex chickens are better for people living in the suburban area.
This essay is more of a breed guide than a care guide so, if you want to know more about taking care of whatever breed you choose I would recommend reading one of my other essays called What to Know When Getting a Chicken.
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