Thursday, June 29, 2023

My Essay On The Topic Of Why Animals Should Be Treated Kindly by OS

Animals should be treated kindly because people are treating animals badly and it is bad for them. The number of birds killed each year in the US is five billion. I don't think they should be treated that way for all the hard work they do. They keep our ecosystem running smoothly and are essential seed dispensers for plants that provide us with food , medicines , timber and recreation.

House pets like dogs, cats and the hamsters have a purpose. First dogs reduce stress, anxiety and depression , ease loneliness , encourage exercise and playfulness , and even improves your cardiovascular health. Now the small guy is the hamster. A hamster is a good house pet. They are terrific housekeepers with sweet little innocent bodies and super cute eyes. Now the cats are beneficial to our mental and physical needs and as you know keep unwanted visitors away.

Now for bodies of water the animals here are also important. Here we will talk about alligators, eels, sharks and dolphins. First alligators are an important member of the ecosystem , and are regarded as keystone species. Now eels are also important; they help regulate the population of other animals. The sharks maintain help with keeping the food chain running. The dolphins now are another important animal. They rescue people from sharks, save sailors from drowning and guide boats through rough waves. Stop eating fish.

Now Iand animals they are cool to like monkeys , lions , tokans. First the monkeys monkeys bear neurological disorders such as parkinson disease. Lions help maintain healthy and resilient herbivore populations. Toukans pass seeds from the fruit they eat through the digestive system which helps replant the plants.

Now I am done but please slow down the building and chopping and Know there is a purpose, everything is created and please do not destroy nature and remember what I sead.

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