Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Truth About Trees by VK

When I was 9 I lost one of my favourite trees. I was sad because I always played in it. Then a couple months ago I lost my favourite climbing tree. Both of these trees were cut down.

An estimated 41 MILLION trees are cut down every day! That's more than 15 BILLION trees a year. Humans have destroyed about 50% of all trees. We need to get trees back and if we want to do that we need to plant a tree once a week.

Can you imagine using 3 thousand toilet paper rolls a year? Well that's how much you use for 15 billion trees cut down. Now you know we don't need that much! Believe it or not we need trees for everything. Trees provide oxygen (O2) and absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). Without it we'd all die. If we want to get trees back we need to plant a tree once a week.Without oxygen we can't play sports because we'd waste too much oxygen. We could not eat meat because all the animals would be dead. We need trees and we need to stop cutting them down. Trees are beautiful and sadly a lot of them are cut in the tropics. That is sad because trees make the tropics very nice. I also think cutting down trees contributes to climate change. That makes it hard for animals to live.

We need to get trees back and if we want to do that we need to plant a tree once a week. I hope you help the environment and plant trees with me.

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